How to Handle an Upload Dialog via Telerik test studio
How to Handle an Upload Dialog via Telerik Testing Framework Handling an upload dialog in test automation is quite tricky since the dialog is generated from the browser not the application it self, In Telerik you can record this function but you cannot see the inline code of the function Actually its pretty easy, Here is the code to upload a picture from your telerik automation suite via a upload dialog eg: picture is in C drive C:\\mypicture.jpg Steps 1. Create a variable for the uploaded picture var x = new ArtOfTest.WebAii.Win32.Dialogs.FileUploadDialog (ActiveBrowser,"C:\\mypicture.jpg", DialogButton.OPEN); 2. Initiate the dialog Manager.DialogMonitor.Start(); 3. Close the dialog Manager.DialogMonitor.AddDialog(x); 4. Create an object for the browse button HtmlInputFile choose = ActiveBrowser.Find.ById<HtmlInputFile>("Id of the browse button"); choose.Click(); 5. wait till the upload dialog ...