
Showing posts from 2016

Drag and Drop with Telerik Testing Framework

Posting a blog after a long time, so I'm not gonna add a huge description here. Most of the user friendly web applications support drag and drop commands/actions and even though lot of test automation IDEs support drag and drop its dosent work most of the time, Trust me I have tired. So on today's post we will discuss how to perform this simple task using Telerik Test studio Step 1 First you have to identify which are the two elements you're going to use for this operation Eg: I'm using 2 HTML div Elements ids: dragitem, droptiem Since you're using a code first method first you have to identify the 2 elements in the web browser HtmlDiv Dragitemspan = ActiveBrowser.Find.ById("dragitem").As<HtmlDiv>(); HtmlDiv dropitemspan= myManager.ActiveBrowser.Find.ById("dropitem").As<HtmlDiv>(); This is the vary basic method of identifying an element in Telerik test studio, you could use page object class or a pag...

How to take screenshots of a failed test with Telerik Testing Framework

This article is about taking a screenshot with Telerik Test Studio Free Framework. If you want to know how to write tests with Telerik Test Studio Free Framework refer my Previous posts Lets Start, First you need a test clean up method, If you're using a VS test Project given from Telerik testing framework its already on your VS test template like in the below screenshot [Figure 1], else you can create a new test method. Figure 1 If you're creating a new Cleanup test method, follow the below syntax // Use TestCleanup to run code after each test has run [TestCleanup()] public void MyTestCleanup() { // // Place any additional cleanup here // #region WebAii CleanUp // Shuts down WebAii manager and closes all browsers currently running // after each test. This call is ignored if recycleBrowser is set this.CleanUp(); #endregion } This is copied from the Telerik Fre...

Create a simple automation test with Telerik Testing Framework

Automating with Telerik Test Studiois really simple and its free!!!  its just a matter of creating a test in Visual studio and you are set. The following article is about how you create a simple test in Visual studio using Telerik testing framework First of all you should download and install the Telerik Testing Framework, as I said before its free and its a very powerful framework. Use the below link to download Telerik Testing Framework, did I mention that its FREE?? Download Telerik Testing Framework Now install the package, to your computer. Open visual studio Select New project create a Unit test from Visual Studio, If you're using Telerik Test studio Free framework Use Visual studio as your IDE. You could select new project like in the Figure 1 screenshot and select "Unit Test Project" Figure 1 Then Select new Item and Under Test  you can select new VsUnit test from adding a new Item. You can use a Simple Unit test for this but then you...

Create a Data Driven Test with Telerik Testing Framework | Adding the Data file to a Folder

Automating with Telerik Test Studio using data driven testing is simple, its just a matter of clicking on some controls and you are set. IF you need any information regarding that please click on the following link URL: But if you're using Telerik Test Studio free framework for your test automation  its not easy as clicking on buttons. But its not that hard. First of all you should create a Unit test from Visual Studio, If you're using Telerik Test studio Free framework Use Visual studio as your IDE. You could select new project like in the Figure 1 screenshot and select "Unit Test Project" Then Select a New VS unit test from adding a new Item. You can use a Simple Unit test for this but then you have to write the initialize and tear down methods by yourself. So use this "VS unit test " option Then you can create a Test Method in that Unit test Your new te...