Create a Test Order for Telerik Automated tests

This post will cover how to run your tests in a order, as now you have many tests, there can be tests that have priorities so that some of the tests in your test suite should be run first because there can be tests that are depending on the prioritized tests.

If you have missed the post how to create tests using Telerik testing framework Click Here

So lets check how to create a test order

Right click on your project and select add > new item
From Tests node you can select ordered test  as shown in Figure 1

Figure 1
You can Name your test Ex: OrderdTest1 and add it to the project

Once thats done, your Test will be listed in the ordered test, So you can pick then and select the test you want to run as your prioritized order. You dont have to add all your tests for this if you dont want to run all your tests in this list

Ex: you have created tests for a system test and if you want to create a test for smoke test, you can just create a ordered list with just few tests as shown in Figure 2

Figure 2

So your Orderd list is done, so when running the tests make sure that OrderdTest1.orderedtest file is always copied to the output directory, The value is set as copy always by default in the proprieties window, but make sure you double check it as seen in Figure 3

Figure 3

If you're running or scheduling the test using Msbuild.exe please refer this link so you can configure the test runner file to execute the orderedtest

Thank you and Happy testing :)


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